In response to Covid-19, there has been a large increase the demand for pharmaceutical glass packaging. This has impacted the supply chain in many ways and left companies with no choice but to look for new glass suppliers.
Amy explores how this has affected smaller and midsize companies who deal with glass manufacturers directly and what you can do to successfully change suppliers while still meeting your packaging requirements.
What you will learn about:
- The cause and effects of product recalls
- Relevant legislation to be aware of
- Guidance from the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP)
- Elemental impurities considerations for container closure systems from the ICH Q3D
- Delamination and its causes
- Recommendations when switching packaging suppliers
Meet the glass experts:

Amy Ashton
Areas of expertise:
More training courses, webinars and events
Innovating glass packaging: Open day for brands & manufacturers

Glass failure analysis

Understanding glass: manufacturing, sustainability and performance

Introduction to glass packaging breakages (online course)

Glass appreciation