Glass Technology Services sponsors the Women Innovators in Foundation Industries Awards 2025

Glass Technology Services was delighted to sponsor the first Women Innovators in Foundation Industries Awards – supplying two unique glassware trophies from glass artist Lulu Harrison’s collaboration with glass blower Elliot Walker.


Held at Innovate UK’s Materials and Manufacturing Showcase in London on 19 February, the inaugural event spotlighted the brilliant female minds shaping the future of the UK’s foundation industries.


Glassware trophies made from industrial biproducts

The stunning trophies sourced by Glass Technology Services are one-of-a-kind, hand-blown pieces made from industrial bi-products that would otherwise have gone to landfill – such as biomass ash, shellfish shells and residue from the wine industry. They beautifully illustrate how Glass Technology Services is seeking to find more sustainable methods of glass production.

Chris Holcroft, Environment Lead, Glass Technology Services said:

"It was great to be apart of the 2025 Women Innovators in Foundation Industries Awards. We are proud to support and promote women innovators across the glass industry and other foundation industries who are playing a massive part in ensuring a sustainable future.”


The Transforming Foundation Industries Challenge

Their work aligns with the UKRI’s £66m Transforming Foundation Industries Challenge –delivered by Innovate UK, EPSRC and ESRC – which supports the government’s commitment to clean growth and net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The challenge brings the metals, glass, paper, ceramics, cement, and bulk chemical industries together to address environmental impacts and global competitiveness.

Whilst sector-wide collaboration aims to drive innovation and growth, the challenge also sets out to meet its ambitious targets by attracting the best talent in a strong, diverse workforce.


How these new awards support this challenge

The Women Innovators in Foundation Industries initiative (also delivered by Innovate UK, EPSRC and ESRC) was launched in 2022 to support this challenge, aiming to enhance career growth, confidence, and networking opportunities amongst women and allies in the sector.

The new awards go a step further, celebrating women role models by highlighting their achievements and promoting them as thought leaders.


Winners of the Women Innovators in Foundation Industries Award 2025

Huge congratulations go to all the nominees and the following winners whose work is driving innovation and making a lasting impact.

  • Rising Star Award: Chloe So at PulpaTronics.
  • Net Zero Champions Award: Elizabeth Gilligan from Material Evolution, and Marta Dana Fedorciuc-Onisa from Lucideon.
  • Most Collaborative Award: Cathryn Hickey from AMRICC, and Verity Piercy from NSG Group.
Unique glassware trophies from glass artist Lulu Harrison’s collaboration with glass blower Elliot Walker

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