Since March, we have been working a little differently, maintaining minimum numbers onsite and in our laboratories to ensure the safety of our staff. During this time we have been prioritising the essential product lines for pharmaceutical and food and drink to ensure no delays for the services essential during the pandemic and we are proud that we have been able to continue operating.
We are now in the position where we can confidently say we are able to offer a normal service. We have worked hard to ensure safe working parameters for our technical staff and would like to encourage you to get in touch to discuss your requirements.
We are still able to offer a quick turnaround for those who need them and can continue to support with desktop consultancy with staff available remotely.
Contact details:
Enquiries: enquiries@glass-ts.com
Finance: finance@glass-ts.com
For urgent enquiries, please contact our section managers:
Analytical – Daniel Capon d.capon@glass-ts.com
Chemistry – Amy Meysner a.meysner@glass-ts.com
Product Performance – Graham Morris g.morris@glass-ts.com
Or contact Gareth Jones, Operations Director – gareth.jones@glass-ts.com
This page will be regularly updated: last updated 2 July 2020